Psalm 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
It's been one year today since this dear old man went Home. When I open the Bible that he gave me, I am brought to tears nearly every time as his scent still lingers there. As I play his record, his song still sings over me just as it has since I was a brand new baby. I still find his notes and long for his call to check in. His memory seems to be everywhere I turn and my heart aches as I adjust to his earthly dwelling having passed.
But this death that I grieve...
the Lord sees as precious.
Precious is the one who falls asleep in Jesus (1 Thes. 4:13).
Precious is one who believes he will be raised up on the last day (John 6:40).
Precious is the one who did not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God (Rom. 4:20-22).
Precious is the one who was not ashamed of the gospel and who knew the power of God to save everyone who believes (Rom. 1:16).
Precious is the one who let his light shine before men by living a generous life (Matt. 5:16).
Precious is the one who freely gave because by grace he freely received (Matt. 10:8).
Precious is the one who, in his weakness, went to Jesus to find rest for his soul (Matt. 11:28).
Precious is the one whose testimony was Christ - who used his life to proclaim Jesus, even while facing death (1 John 2:2, 6).
So in this grieving, I will give thanks for I am confident that because of Christ, death does not have the victory or the final say. I will give thanks for a life who put others above self and Christ above all else.
As we grieve those who have gone before us, may we rejoice in the work of Christ in their lives. May it spur us on to faithfully run the race ahead of us, knowing our reward is beyond all this earth can hold. May we find confidence and strength in the only Name that saves: Jesus. May we live our lives in such a way that our death would be precious in the sight of the Lord. Though our flesh may ache and grieve, may our souls be comforted in the promise of being reunited and, more importantly, of salvation to all who believe.
"I'd rather be in a deep, dark grave and know that my poor soul was saved, than to live in this world in a house of gold, deny my God and doom my soul. What good is gold and silver too if your heart's not good and true. Sinner hear me when I say, fall down on your knees and pray."