
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Truth in Politics and Prayers

Over two years ago we gathered to soak up every last minute with the young man who chose to serve his country and join the Navy.  In the months to come we would send him letters, Face-time at get-togethers, celebrate holidays two weeks too early just to have him be a part of it and ache as our hearts all adjusted to him being a world away.  His choice affected each and every one of us profoundly.  We view the flag a little differently and hold the sacredness of the sacrifice that so many have made a lot closer.  We stand taller and hold our heads higher when the anthem plays… because this man we all love dearly is one of them.  One of the countless men and women who have chosen to risk their lives, step away from their comforts, leave their families and fully embrace the unknown path ahead of them – so that we may be free. 

Our flag is symbolic of the heart of our country, the foundation we were founded on and the gratitude that is due to the brave men and women who have given their lives so that we may live freely.  It seems as though many citizens in this day are fueled from misguided truths that our flag may be representative of a certain person, position, or party. 

But it is not. 

The truth that waves in our flag is that we have the right to choose and within that choice we are to stand united, even when the cards are not in our own personal favor.  Because to disrespect, tear down, burn and trample the symbol of our country is to do those very acts to each and every soldier.  And not only that soldier but each person whose lives that single soldier affects: their families, their friends, the ones they’ve left behind to serve. 

We can’t change the behavior that so many have adopted in this day and age.  We can’t force them to understand the vast effects of their unruly actions.  But what we can do is our part in allowing Truth to triumph. 

As media stir up fear, failure and injustice – we will humbly, boldly allow the peace that passes all understanding to penetrate the suffocating cloud that threatens this life.

In the midst of the screaming shouts of politics – we will choose to tune our ears to the whisper of our God who is faithful to hear our prayers, honor our pleas and provide for His people. 

Flags may be trampled and torn – but the hearts that beat red, white and blue cannot be broken. 

Man’s words may be slung and abused – but we will ground ourselves in the God-breathed Word that no man can replace, refute or undo. 

Knees may be taken – but we will stand taller, prouder, and even more thankful to represent one nation under God. 

When division and hostility is barked – we will bear in mind that only in unity and reverent fear of the Lord can we find sure footing.

Whether these past days have brought a sense of victory or sorrow, one thing we must know to be true for each of us is that this world will ALWAYS prove difficult to navigate.  We weren’t created for all that we face: the mess, scandals, busyness, hopelessness, the inconsistent waves of defeat, death, disease, war and turmoil. 

It will never be convenient. 

It will never be exactly how we want it.

We are in this world but not of this world.  

So each day we must do our best to live in the Truth that has already triumphed at the Cross. 

We follow the One who has gone before us that we may find eternal hope in freedom from this world we’re passing through.

And we thank the brave souls that have gone where called so that we may live free in this temporary home until that day comes…

“In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”  Matthew 5:9

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