
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

He Knows My Name

“A as in apple.  F as in Frank. T-O-N.”

Aston.  Ashton.  Aspen.   Aft-aw-n.  

Almost always anything but what my name is.  I’ve gotten so used to it that I generally don’t correct people after the third or fourth attempt.  For those that do get my name right, rarely the first time, but occasionally the second try, the same question always follows:

“Where did your parents ever hear that name?”

They expect a great story to go with such a unique name, but my parents got my name from a television show “Dallas”.  For those that recognize the show, they proceed to tell me that they don’t remember a character with that name.  It wasn’t a main character.  They stand there, with their thoughts visible through their expression, thinking of my name, making sure they got it right, and taken back by my lack-of-story to go along with it.  This happens all the time. 

Anyone with a unique name understands, but this whole name thing doesn’t bother me as it might some.  I like my name, most everyone who finally hears it right says it’s beautiful, my parents who love me immensely chose it for me, and I tend to prefer things that aren’t typical or ordinary.  When it comes down to it, the truth that really matters is this - He knows my name.

This simple truth goes far beyond a name and deep to a heart that often needs reminded:

When I feel alone and like no one really understands me, He knows my name.

When the road ahead seems unclear and uncertain, He knows my name.

When I no sooner find my footing that I’m stumbling again, He knows my name.

When the unexpected overturns everything once known, He knows my name

No matter where we are or where we have been, He knows exactly where to find us.  He knows the things that trouble our hearts and keep us up at night.  When we feel unworthy, shamed and undone, He loves us just the same.  When it feels like everyone is busy and distracted while our own world is standing still, He has never left our side.  When the day ahead seems questionable and unreliable, He alone is able.   

He knows your name.

He knows where you’ve kept yourself hidden.  He wants you in all the beautiful mess that you feel you are in.  There is no distance too far or shame too much to outdo His grace that covers it all.  There is no circumstance, no diagnosis, no death-like-grave, and no hell that His love has not already overcome. 

We can rest in confident trust that the God whose spoken word brought all of creation into existence, who breathed life into dry bones, who brought His Son up out of the grave, is the same God who knows us by name.

“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.  When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.  When you go through rivers of difficulty you will not drown.  When you walk through the fire of oppression you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.  For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”

Isaiah 43:1-13 NLT

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