
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why the Duck Dynasty Calendar Made Our Wall

Our family calendar is an important thing in our home.  Not only does it keep us all on track but it’s where I record everything from big events to seemingly little memories.  As I begin a new calendar, I take time to go back and reminisce through the year before.  Whatever calendar is chosen will remain year to year to look back upon for memories - it’s kind of a big deal.

Since December of last year I had my chosen calendar ready to take its new place on our door.  It had inspirational quotes and I was loving the design.  I’m one for details and mostly everything that makes a shelf or a wall in our home must match or have special meaning.

For Christmas my husband got a Duck Dynasty calendar: camouflaged and complete with the bearded men themselves.  I’m a fan of the show but not so much to the extent of hanging the calendar in the center of our home. Truthfully, I didn’t think he’d even ask but he did and the great debate began!  We jokingly went back and forth about which calendar would make the wall for the year.  I laughed until I realized he wasn’t kidding about hanging the camouflaged, bearded men photos to look at every day for the next twelve months and then reminisce on for…well the rest of our lives.  This would be the calendar that would hold many of our baby’s firsts and many of our lasts as parents to a toddler.  It would be the calendar to hold our girl’s first year of soccer and her start of school.  Milestones, moments, memories, captured for a lifetime.

One of my favorite men from the show is Uncle Si.  In an attempt to win me over, Randy turned to a page with a photo of the wild-eyed old man.  And for that reason, it made our wall.  Not because of my “old man crush” but because of what it said:

“If you’re too busy to duck hunt, you’re too busy.”

That was the end of the great calendar debate.  He won.  Because those words pierced my heart.  You see, these are men who stay rooted regardless of fame or fortune.  They have been known to turn down interviews simply because it was duck season.  They have been known for their open belief in and outspoken stand for God.  God, family and ducks come first just as it always has.  And this heart needed that kind of reminder.

The past year had added a lot to our schedule and I had strayed from the roots in which my foundation was laid.  There wasn’t enough time for the things that mattered most.  There was much coming before the hearts in our home, before family and some things even before God.  I may not duck hunt (yet…I do have my request in to my husband!) but I was too busy for my foundation which means I was too busy.

“You shall have no other Gods before me”
Exodus 20:3

“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him.  
Then your faith will grow strong in the Truth…”   
 Colossians 2:7

The calendar hangs on our wall and is a continual reminder of the simple things in life.  Reminders to be “Happy, Happy, Happy” and that family always comes first.  Along with a few quotes about squirrels and rednecks which I’m claiming as reminders to not take life so seriously and laugh a little.  Or a lot.

Transitioning from staying busy to staying simple is not as easy as it may seem.  There are habits to change and forgiveness to be received.  There are changes to routines and filtering out of things that became expected.  There are lessons for this home schooling mama to teach as well as lessons for this mama to learn.  There is a lot of humility and even more grace.  But it is all well worth it.  I love more deeply, laugh harder and see God more.  Even our dog found a new home by my side.

When we stretch ourselves too thin, there isn’t much room for us to fill.  

Keep it simple, stay grounded, grow your roots down deep and you will find more life and love than you ever imagined.  

If you’re too busy for that, you’re too busy!

“He fills my life with good things!”
Psalm 103:5

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