Every day is a blessing: let it be simple, give yourself grace and shine His light.
Monday, January 13, 2014
The Heart of Noah
Living a life dedicated to following God was never promised to be easy. In fact, there are many passages found in Scripture that tell us we will face hardships and trials (Rom. 5:3, Rom. 8:28-39, Ps. 44:22). When we set out to journey with our Holy God through a broken and fallen world it is easy to see how and why hard times come our way. Evil and our humanness fight against the righteousness and all that we seek in God. To walk above what is acceptable to the world is against every fiber of our fleshly being.
There have been many times I have felt misunderstood, judged, out of place and at times even alone in my efforts. I recently found inspiration while reading a Bible story to my kids. The well-known story was about Noah and the floodwaters. Many know this story where Noah builds an ark and fills it with two of every kind of animal. The story is told of what Noah did but we often never touch on the heart of Noah.
During Noah’s time the world was corrupt with evil and depravity. “The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 My footnote states “…because man’s nature remained unchanged, things were no better after the flood” and includes a reference to Genesis 8:21. Therefore we can assume it was similar to world we live in today.
“But Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah. Noah was a good man, a man of integrity in his community. Noah walked with God.” Genesis 6:8-9 (MSG)
In the following verses God told Noah his plan to destroy the earth, his reasoning for it and even gave Noah a detailed description of the ark he was to build. Can you imagine how Noah felt after hearing this plan? The ark was no small boat that Noah could have kept hidden. It was to be “450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high” (vs. 6:15). That’s approximately as long as 1 ½ football fields, about as wide as a tractor trailer and around 2 two story houses high. Imagine the harsh words, the criticizing looks and the gossip that surrounded Noah. He would have been the “talk of the town” with the news spreading quickly and I’m sure those people weren’t saying positive things about his efforts. It could not have been easy for him. I’m sure he could not wrap his mind around the plans of God but Noah chose to obey despite his own understandings and despite what those around him were saying.
“Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” Gen. 6:22
“Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.” Gen. 7:5
“…as God had commanded Noah.” Gen. 7:10
“…as God had commanded Noah.” Gen. 7:16
Has God ever called you to do or say something that seemed a bit outrageous?
Maybe He’s asking that very thing of you right now.
How are you responding to God’s call? With willing obedience or with reluctant hesitation?
We find that because of Noah’s obedience and willingness through out his life and in the face of adversity that God favored Noah (vs. 6:8) and honored him by saving not only Noah, but his family as well.
“Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.” Genesis 7:1
After the LORD shut the door of the ark (vs. 7:16) He is not mentioned again during the flood which lasted for 150 days (vs. 7:24). What do you think Noah did during those days on the ark in regards to God‘s silence? Do you think he ever doubted the one he so willingly followed all of his life? Do you think he questioned God’s plan or His goodness? Scripture doesn’t tell us but I think it’s safe to say that most of us would have had our moments of questioning, doubting and searching. Maybe you are in a situation where you can’t hear the Voice that was once so clear, maybe God seems silent and you wonder if he’s forgotten you. If so, look at how Genesis 8 begins:
“But God remembered Noah…” Gen. 8:1
God remembered Noah. And he remembers you: His chosen one, His beloved child, the one with whom is well-pleased. When you feel alone in your journey or if you feel unclear of where you are to go, cry out to the Lord your God. He is waiting for you, He loves you and He will never leave you alone. “He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NLT) Be willing to obey His call even when you don’t understand. The God of Noah is the same God we serve today and He will honor your efforts and bring His favor upon you when you choose to walk the road He has called you to. May we find ourselves as faithful as the man, Noah, who we’ve come to hear so much about. May we choose to walk the faithful, obedient life that he once walked. And as we do, may we find ourselves being even more blessed by our Almighty Heavenly Father.
“Then God blessed Noah…” Gen. 9:1
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