
Monday, January 13, 2014

Simple Miracles

One foot following the other pulling the heavy heart out of hiding.

Every single breathe of grace and mercies anew for each moment of falling. 

Hands unfolding, palms turned upward and empty choosing surrender.  Again.

One thousand choices choosing Him, choosing His best, choosing to say yes.  

And that somehow after it all we find our foundation and begin to find our footing.

Moments that linger all the more longer and seem anything but momentary.  When the miracle isn’t found in the grand gesture but when it is found in the simplicity of the unexpected.  The miracles that are found in the bringing low of ourselves to stay humble, to forgive, to love.

To put one foot in front of the other even when it hurts.

To simply breathe in His grace that is freely given when our chests are heavy with the weight of it all.  

To unclench our fists and to give it to Him, trusting Him once again. 

To choose Him each and every aching time.  

To let ourselves fall knowing that it is only on our Foundation that we can surely stand.  

And there was once this girl, this young, simple girl who He called upon.  Who humbled herself to set aside her own self to bring the Christ child into a hurting and broken world.

Isn’t it what He asks of all of us - to set aside our selves to bear the light of Christ?

“And Mary said…Let it be with me just as you say.”  Luke 1:38 MSG

A simple young girl.  A simple young man.  A simple stable.  A simple babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.  Miracles in the most unexpected of places.  Hope right there in the obedience of two souls choosing His will.

One foot in front of the other all the way to Bethlehem.  Something only done by the grace and mercy of a Heavenly Father who knew the Answer.  All starting with hearts willing to receive His will.  One thousand choices choosing Him, choosing His best, choosing to say yes.  Even when it seemed impossible, even when it seems foolish to believe.

A thousand simple miracles bringing hope to a hurting and broken world.

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