
Monday, January 13, 2014

Room For Growth

That afternoon my boy came to me showing me his loose tooth.  This was his first loose tooth!  That evening at dinner he said “Uh oh!” and opened his mouth to show us that the tooth had worked its way to be barely holding on.  We could tell it was ready to come out and didn’t want him to swallow it while he was sleeping.  He wiggled it and tugged at it with no luck.  Of course dad wanted a try at it but Peyton wasn’t letting him touch it!  Every time his Daddy would ask to touch it Peyton would cover his mouth, shake his head no and make his eyes big.  He didn’t trust that his dad wouldn’t rip it out and expected that if he had there would be great pain involved.  He was fearful and resistant.

How often do we act in the same way toward our Heavenly Father?  When something has surfaced that we need to “pull out” of our lives, to get rid of, we clench our fists and our hearts to hang on to it fearing the pain that may be involved with the extraction.

My son’s tooth was a baby tooth.  His mouth cannot mature without the proper process of baby teeth falling out and permanent, mature teeth taking their place.  Imagine how silly he would look as an adult man with tiny little teeth filled with spaces!  Not only would he look silly but his mouth would be unable to function at it’s best.

As we mature spiritually a process is also required.  God sifts us of things we no longer need, are no longer useful, are just plain bad for us or are holding us back.  If we expect to grow, we must be willing to remove these things from our lives to allow room for God to mature us.  We can’t function at what God’s knows is our best keeping hold of these things.

After some time of resistance, I came up with an idea to tie a string to his tooth and to our kitten.  Peyton was convinced!  He, although still fearful of the outcome, opened his mouth and allowed his dad to tie the string to his tooth.  Randy then tied the other end to the kitten’s collar.  Peyton stood on an end-table and dropped the kitten (from a safe height) and the kitten ran.  Our first attempt failed but the second was a success!  No tooth and no tears!

God will not force anything upon us.  He does not force us to grow.  But when we willingly open our hearts and our lives (including our hurts, our fears, regrets, addictions, etc.) to our loving Father, He works all things on our behalf to bring maturity, growth and blessings into our lives.  He knows what’s best for us and He allows us to choose it for ourselves.  It may not be easy, there may be discomfort and even some pain involved, but the outcome is worth the risk.  Just as my boy and his daddy cheered in victorious defeat of a first tooth - our Father will cheer with us in victory when we overcome whatever it is He has us go through!

That night Peyton was able to leave his tooth under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy.  Giving up his tooth allowed him to receive something that from his young boy perspective was a treasure.  The next morning he found what he hoped for - two quarters!  Not only that but an extra surprise awaited him - a dollar bill folded into a tiny triangle and a tiny envelope with a note from the Tooth Fairy!

God is waiting to pour out blessings upon us, even more than we can dream of or imagine, if only we lay our burdens, our desires, our hurts and fears down at his feet.  I think of the song whose lyrics sing:

 “I’m trading my sorrows. I’m trading my shame.  I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord.
I’m trading my sickness.  I’m trading my pain.  I’m laying them down for the joy of the Lord.”

Whatever you’re facing, however tight your grip is, let it go to a Father who loves you and who will never leave you alone on your journey.  He is waiting for you to open up your hands to Him and allow Him to help you.  Trade all that you hold on to for the joy that only comes from the Lord.  Together you will get through it and together you will rejoice when the room for growth occurs!

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.”  Romans 8:28

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”  Ephesians 3:20

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  Deuteronomy 31:8

“Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”  2 Corinthians 7:1

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