
Monday, January 13, 2014

Out of Dust

“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”  Genesis 2:7

As Randy and I sat on a bench at the park, the kids were running around playing and having great fun.  At one point, they went to a pathway that goes through the park and began playing in the dust.  They picked up the dust in the palm of their hands and let it slowly fall out as it would blow in the wind.  Then they made piles of dust to run through.  The dust entertained them for awhile and we joked about all the swings and slides and there they were, playing in the dust.

If you read Genesis 1 you will find that God created many things before He created man.  Imagine the beauty of creation before man ever stepped foot on it!  Then He, as it tells us in 2:7, formed a man from the dust!  Can you imagine?!  Picturing my children playing in the dust and the essence of nothing that it seems to be and God created man from it…breath taking, isn’t it?!  It makes me wonder why I ever question His ways.  Our God is great (seems so little of a word to describe Him as) enough to form us from mere dust, then why oh why do we question His goodness, His love, His greatness, His everything?

God is who He says He is!
We need to start believing that!
We need to begin living by that!
God is who He says He is!

 And I believe He is far beyond anything we can humanly comprehend.  Read this again and let it sink into your heart:

“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”  Genesis 2:7

He formed us from the dust!  Let’s think about this in a way our human minds can wrap around for a moment.  Imagine standing at the beach, watching the artist form a sculpture from the sand.  As the image of a man begins to form, the artist takes his fingers across the sand and forms a perfect face.  He continues until a stunningly remarkable cast of a man is built from the sand.  Everyone around you is amazed at the talents of this artist.  Now as everyone stands back in awe and wonder at how something so life-like was created from sand, the artist leans in close to his masterpiece.  With one breath into its nostrils, it comes alive!

Can you even fathom it?!  I hardly can’t!  That is how great our God is!!!  Our God who we so often put in a box, who we so often think “he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, he won’t”.  Our God who we so often try to explain and who we try to understand.  Our God can, and our God did, and our God will!  When thinking about the greatness of Him in just this idea that He was able to create man from dust I found myself thinking this:

“My God, does it get even better than that?!”

A voice answers me in my spirit saying, “My child, it does!!  This was only the beginning…only Genesis!!"

All around
Hope is springing up from this old ground
Out of chaos life is being found in You
You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of us

“Beautiful Things” by Gungor

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