
Monday, January 13, 2014

Opportunities for Praise and Trust

“To Live in My Presence consistently, you must expose and expel your rebellious tendencies.  When something interferes with your plans or desires, you tend to resent the interference.  Try to become aware of each resentment, however petty it may seem.  Don’t push those unpleasant feelings down; instead, let them come to the surface where you can deal with them.  Ask my Spirit to increase your awareness of resentful feelings.  Bring them boldly into the Light of My Presence, so that I can free you from them.”
-Jesus Calling

Can anyone else relate?!  I know when something interferes with my plans, I grumble!  Yesterday was actually a perfect example for me of how I should be living everyday.  On my agenda was - take the kids to gram’s, get my drivers license picture taken (one picture we’ll have to look at regularly for five years, never makes for a good day, right?!), lunch date for me and my husband (I was looking forward to this!), a meeting, then I had to pick up my kids before a certain time.

That morning, I had a wonderful quiet time which led to a blog.  The computer was not cooperating so it took entirely too long to post what I needed to and set me back before I got started.  Then my hair was not cooperating, horrible hair day, does that not figure?!  We finally make it to gram’s to drop off the kids, just barely on the time frame I was figuring would still allow for the things ahead.  But we found that Pap’s rooster was a far “cock-a-doodle” from home.  My mother-in-law and I gathered him up and drove him back to where he belonged.  I took her home and headed to town.  Looking at the time, there was just no way I would make it back in time to have lunch with Randy.  The last time I went to the driver’s license center I waited for 45 minutes and assumed since I would arrive over lunch, this would happen again.  Even though I was disappointed, I was unusually peaceful about it.  I just kept praying throughout the day that God would make a way.  Sure enough, I got to the license center and although their parking lot was full, the photo place had no one in it.  I walked in, sat down, took my picture, and walked back out.  It took less than five minutes!  (If you’re wondering, yes, my picture turned out horrible!  Again, I was unusually peaceful about it!  In fact, I laughed the whole way to lunch about it!  My hair was pulled back on top and I had a turtle neck on, so my picture is one giant face!  What else is there to do other than laugh?!)  I met my husband for lunch with half an hour to spend with him.  Our meeting ended in time for me to pick up the kids and all was well.  I could hardly believe it!  It’s hard to explain in writing but that day was full of set backs and unscheduled occurrences, good and bad.  Normally I would have been a rushed, frantic mess.  This day though, I had an unusual peace that I carried through out.  I remember that I kept praying for the Lord to make clear the paths.

When I read this mornings devotional, I thought of yesterday.  That is what it means to live in His Presence constantly.  We have to put our trust in Him that He will accomplish what needs to be done.  Sometimes there are no earthly explanations for how things happen.  Something I’ve been doing recently is turning my complaints into praises and thanks or trust.  Each time I catch myself complaining, thought or spoken, I look for the blessing that came or will come from it.  A sink full of dishes?  Praise because their was food on those dishes to make them dirty.  A messy house that is full of noise?  Praise because the children in that house are happy and healthy.  A busy schedule?  Praise for the freedom to choose what we do and the ability to do it.  What about trust?  All the bills are paid but then an unexpected one comes in the mail?  Trust that the Lord provided before, He will provide again.  Someone close to you who has chosen another path?  Trust that the Lord is the Shepherd of His sheep and He will lead the lost ones home.  Health problems of any kind?  Trust in the Healer of all hurts.  I could go on and on but I think by now you should see my point!  These times we hang our heads and complain are truly times of opportunities.  We have the opportunity to make the situation what we will.  We have the opportunity to praise our Lord or, although we don’t have the answers, to trust in a Sovereign God of all things.
I love how my devotional ended today - 
“The nest response to losses or thwarted hopes is praise:  The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.  Remember that all good things - your possessions, your family and friends, your health and abilities, your time - are gifts from Me.  Instead of feeling entitled to all these blessings, respond to them with gratitude.  Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of My hand!”

Hold on tight to His hand who it worthy of your trust.  Through good seasons and times of trials never let go, never loosen your grip.  As you go about today, remember each time you complain to turn it around.  Carry His peace with you and you will be amazed at how He weaves life together in perfection!

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s might hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”  1 Peter 5:6-7

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