
Monday, January 13, 2014

Hopeful Anticipation

With the holiday season in full swing, the days and weeks are passing by quickly.  It is almost time for our baby boy to arrive.  My check list of things to do in preparation for Christmas and to bring baby home has dwindled down to only a few small things.  Every passing day as my body changes and the days are counted down brings more anticipation of what’s to come.  I have hoped for and waited for this child for months. It has been an intense time of inner struggle that has led to healing from so many old wounds.  It has been a time of learning to trust and lean on God through my fears, celebrations and changes.  It has been a time of experiencing love, deep love, that involves risk.  Now, it is almost time for the next step.  Almost time to meet our baby boy.  I am anxious to hold him in my arms, to hear his cry, to gaze into his beautiful eyes.

God has so graciously walked with me these past 8 months.  He has called me out of a state of fear into a journey of trust and restoration.  Along the way he has held my hand, carried me and pushed me.  He has calmed my deepest fears, replacing each one with a profound trust in His goodness.  He has dried my tears as He has shown me His hand in past hurts.  My relationship with Him through this has grown to a deeper, more fulfilling, more valuable level than it ever has been.  I am so thankful for the love of a Mighty God who has stepped into my life, through all of my thoughts, my fears and my resistance, to seek me and build a relationship with me.

With Christmas and the celebration of the birth of our Savior at the forefront of my mind, I can’t help but relate to Mary and the anticipation of her newborn Son.  Imagine the joy welling up inside of her as the birth of a Savior, a miracle Son, was nearing!  Through a baby, born of a virgin, God made a way for us.  He made it possible to have a relationship with Him.  Oh, how thankful I am!

That baby, the Son of God who took on flesh, would grow to a man who would one day be nailed to a cross for each of us.  He would die and He would rise again.  Today he sits enthroned at the right hand of God.  He will again return.  I wonder how many of us wait for this day in hopeful anticipation.

Do you?  Do you long to see your Saviors face - the One you have hoped for and believed in for so long?  Do you long to touch his nail-scarred hand and to gaze into his beautiful eyes?

This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior may it be a reminder of the hopeful anticipation we should feel in meeting Him one day.  May we not only celebrate His birth, but also His life that made a way for us to fully live.  As we learn of the Messiah who was hoped for and took on flesh, may we rejoice in our hope that one day He will return.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”  John 10:10

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