
Monday, January 13, 2014

Do Snakes Eat Wormies?

“Mommy how does the earth hold all this heavy stuff?”  Peyton asked me as we were driving.  

Anyone who has ever known a 4 year old, knows they are a fountain of questions wanting to know why and how everything around them works.  How does the earth hold all this heavy stuff?  I never really thought about that myself, but it’s a good question.  Imagine that same question in the mind of a young boy.  I told him that I didn’t really know but that God made it that way.  

His next question was “Hey Mom, do snakes eat wormies?” and I had to laugh.  

His imagination is endless, as well as his questions.  Some are easy to answer and some are harder.  Harder sometimes because we ourselves don’t know the answers and harder other times because, although we know the answers, how can his young mind understand?  Earlier in the week he asked Randy “Daddy, did you marry my Mommy?”  After Randy answered him, Peyton ran to the bathroom where I was showering and said “Mommy did my Daddy marry you?!”   I said he did and Peyton said “MOMMMM” and ran back out!  That was an easy one to answer but Randy and I still have no idea what was going through his little mind.

We all have questions.  Questions are healthy, if we never asked questions, we would never learn and grow.  Asking questions is how we figure things out and further our knowledge.  When I think of my son and the answers I give him I find there are many ways I answer him - sometimes I can answer him with an explanation, sometimes I have to show him with a visual, other times I don’t have an answer at all, sometimes the answers are there but I know he wouldn’t understand it’s entirety.   Same holds true for our “questions of life."  When we have questions there are a number of ways we seek out answers.  At times its as easy as opening a book or hitting a search button.  Many answers we have right at our fingertips.  Other times, God knows we won’t understand without a visual way to learn.  That can also be by experiencing it first hand by something we often call a “life lesson".  

Occasionally the questions we have are far beyond anything our human minds can comprehend.  Questions that we can’t find answers to here on earth.  Most often these questions begin with  “Why…”.  One thing we must know is that we need to have faith.  For the answers that go left unknown we need to trust God.  We may never know why a loved one has been taken away; why natural disasters occur and so many are left in devastation; why Jesus put all of us above his own self to die on the cross; how God made all of this vast earth and all of it’s creations in only six days time; and so many other questions that seem so huge but yet have no tangible answer.  We need only to put our faith in our Father because He is, He was, He always will be.  He is a God of sovereignty and righteousness.

What are some questions a small child has asked you?  How did you answer?  Think of some questions you have.  Where do you find your answers?  What questions do you find yourself asking God?

Remember, questions are good, they allow you to grow.  But don’t always expect an answer because frankly, I don’t think anyone really…I mean really knows how the earth can hold all this heavy stuff!

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