
Monday, January 13, 2014

Counting My Blessings

Being a new mother of three, the days can take their toll and I was finding myself worn and exhausted as my head hit the pillow at night.  I knew I had so much to be thankful for, but my heart was tired.  Being a home schooling family, I have three souls to look after every moment of almost every day.  There are arguments to break up, lessons to teach, mouths to feed, chores to be done.  And somewhere in the midst of the mess my blessings got overlooked, shadowed by the mundane.

A few weeks ago I had an idea that saved my weary heart from losing the battle.  It’s a simple book - which is why it saved me.  I could not have handled another task added on to my to-do list.  I found a little notebook my aunt gave me when I graduated high school.  I never used it because I was saving it for something special.  Who would of thought it would take almost 10 years to find that something?!  She wrote in it “May this be a reminder to never stop dreaming.”  Those words pierced my heart.  I used to dream big dreams but I forgot how.  Many of my dreams had came true but the rush of life left them in a haze.  So this little notebook became a reflection of blessings.  Each day I take a short amount of time to write a few bullet-points of blessed moments.   Moments I felt God’s love, His faithfulness and Trusting Hand guiding me.

Because of this simple time to reflect, my heart has been overflowing with gratitude and praise at the end of each day.  There are many days when I have little left to give, yet a moment with my little book brings me back to an attitude of praise.  We are blessed beyond measure.  May we never forgot, never overlook and never be too weary to notice.  Moments.  Blessings.  Every day is filled with them if only we tune in our hearts.  Like the chorus sings:

“Count your blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings see what God has done.”

“Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”  

                                                                   Psalm 103:1 NIV

“O my soul, bless God, don’t forget a single blessing!”  Psalm 103:2 MSG 

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