
Monday, January 13, 2014

Climbing Doorways

Our little boy loves to see how high he can climb our doorways.  He puts a foot on each side and inches his way upward. This past week, he was thrilled that he could finally make his way to the top where he was able to touch the ceiling!  He had touched the ceiling before, but always with help and this was the first time he’d done it alone!  As he did this time and time again for me, he said with pride “Daddy will be so impressed with me when he sees how high I can make it now!”  I knew his Dad would in deed be thrilled to see his boys accomplishment and he was.  Randy took his picture and praised him at how strong he was!  Then Peyton, in panic, said “Daddy get me down!  There’s something under me and I can’t jump or I will fall!!! Daddy!”  Randy stretched out his arms and caught his boy.

I couldn’t help but think of how often we do this for our Heavenly Father.   The “doorways” and “ceilings” we climb in our own lives can be many things.  It can be a career, a position, a grade, a promotion, any type of expectation we create for ourselves or allow someone else to create for us.  We set about, day after day, in hopes to reach the top and accomplish something on our own.  Sometimes we do reach the once un-touchable goal and with great pride we say “Look at me!  Look what I’ve done!”  I know I’m guilty of climbing many “doorways” in my life, only to reach the top and realize how unsatisfying hanging on up there truly is.  There’s been many times when I’ve had to say “Lord, I’m going to fall, catch me!” and faithfully He has.  One lesson we must learn in life is that when we go ahead of God and try things on our own, they won’t turn out as great as we expect them to.  We must be willing to wait for our Father to help us, guide us and hold us up.  When we let go and allow Him to put us in the position He has planned for our lives, we never grow weak or weary for it is His strength that keeps us where we are.

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31

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