
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Reminder To Believe

Take a moment to read Luke 1:5-23.

In Zechariah and Elizabeth’s time not being able to have children not only caused unhappiness for the couple but was also an indication of divine disfavor and often brought social reproach.  Scripture tells us in vs. 6 that “both of them were upright in the sight of God.”  I think we can all relate to Zechariah and Elizabeth in some way of being judged wrongly by our friends, neighbors and community.  My heart breaks for this childless couple who not only had to deal with the hardship of coming to terms with never having children but also had to surely deal with the judgments and conclusions of others.

But our great God had a plan for this couple that they could not foresee.  He planned for this couple’s child to come at a specific time when he would prepare a way for Jesus.  In God’s perfect time, he sent an angel to tell Zechariah this good news (vs. 11-17).  “…your prayer has been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son…He will be a joy and a delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth…he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth…And he will go before the Lord…to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”  

After so many years of heartache, Zechariah could hardly believe what he was hearing and asks “How can I be sure of this?”  This old man’s heart was wounded deeply by childlessness.  I’m sure as a loving husband his heart ached not only for himself but double-fold and for his wife also.  Years of this heartache had seemingly built up a barrier around his hope that he would ever look at the face of his own child.

Often we can find ourselves in this same situation with various circumstances.  Maybe you have been praying for something for so long that if it were to happen you may ask “are you sure?”  Maybe you have been so used to one way that when a door opens and light fills your darkness you may also ask “are you sure?”  Over time we tend to build protections over our hearts to seemingly avoid the pains of life.  When our blessings arrive or a promise is fulfilled, those walls can often become a form of disbelief.  We are afraid to let the wall fall and believe in what has been given to us or promised.

“The angel answered, “I am Gabriel.  I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.  And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words…”  Luke 1:19-20

As I read this passage recently I couldn’t help but wonder how that period of silence must have felt for Zachariah.  How every time he went to speak he would have been reminded that God was indeed sure.   Just like Zachariah, a man upright in the sight of God, we are human and there are times our human tendencies mask even the greatest faith we have.   In those times, we need to provide ourselves with a reminder, just as God did for Zachariah by silencing him.  It can be a verse you claim, maybe a token you carry or something else God has laid on your heart.  Whatever it is, put it in place to remind yourself that God is indeed sure of His plan and timing of that plan in your life.  Remind yourself of God’s worthiness for our faith and belief in His chosen path.  Take a stand against the disbelief in your heart and continue to pray for whatever it is you’re believing God for. "Every word I’ve spoken to you will come true on time - God’s time.” Luke 1:20 MSG When the time comes to receive, believe that God is sure, believe that what you have is a sure thing and allow God to pour His blessings into your life!

“The Lord has done this for me,” she said.  “In these days he has shown his favor…” Luke 1:25

“Be still there is a Healer, His love is deeper than the sea.  His mercy is unfailing.  His arms a fortress for the weak.  Be still there is a River that flows from Calvary’s tree,  a fountain for the thirsty.  Your grace that washes over me.  I lift my hands to believe again, You are my Refuge, You are my Strength.  As I pour out my heart these things I remember.  You are faithful God forever.”  - I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin

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