
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Playtime and Quarrels

    The kids are getting to the age now that they play together frequently. Jayden is now 2 and she’s more able to play pretend with her big brother. They build forts out of blankets and toys, they go “hunting”, they play dolls, the number of things they’re able to do together increases each day. Jayden is more interested in what her big brother is doing and Peyton has gained enough patience to teach her and guide her when they play. It’s so neat to sit back and watch them interact.
    Yesterday, they were on one of their hunting adventures. They set up chairs in the living room, Peyton got each of them a nerf gun and they hid behind the chairs waiting for deer. Jayden sat there with her baby doll on her lap, tiny purse over her arm, princess sunglasses, with Peyton helping her aim her gun through the chair at a big buck! Peyton informed me that on this hunting trip Jayden got two big bucks.
    Sometimes things don’t always go as he has planned. That evening when I was cooking dinner, Peyton came running to me distraught and frustrated. He told me he was an alligator and Jayden had caught him. He cleared off his play table and gave her a knife (a pretend knife from his play kitchen) but she kept throwing the knife at him and wouldn’t cut him up! Then he asked “Mommy when you’re done will you come catch me in your boat, take me home and cut me up?!“ This moment was priceless!
    Quite often though these playtime moments wind up in a quarrel. Peyton needs order and likes things to go just as he plans. Jayden is my walking tornado so one can easily see how this doesn’t always work out. Usually Peyton is trying to do something and she interrupts by wrecking it or tackling him. For example: Peyton has been into puzzles lately, it amazes me how patient he is and how well he can figure them out. Jayden prefers to sit on the table and throw the pieces. The more angry Peyton gets, the more satisfied with herself she is!
    When I have to intervene they are both up in arms. Jayden will try to run and Peyton tries to explain everything that I already saw and know happened. Even though I’m there to help, he still tries to fix it himself, offering his opinions on what I should do. I often have to tell him over again that he needs to be quiet and listen to me. I explain to each of them their actions and what needs to change and that they need to be nice, etc. We’ve also been trying to teach Peyton that when he’s playing with other kids, if they aren’t being nice or playing fair, he needs to come get Mom or Dad. He needs to know that it is best to let Mom or Dad figure things out and come up with a solution.
    When children play they will have quarrels, it’s completely natural. While this is true, they also are not knowledgeable or experienced enough to be able to handle them on their own. They need someone to guide them in their actions. Someone who can show them their faults and then show them the right way to be.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Exodus 14:14

Are you letting your Father fight your battles for you? Are you trying to fight them yourself? Are you running to him but voicing your opinions on what you think is best? How are you handling your “battles”?

Run to your Father, then be still and silent. Keep your eyes on Him and He will fight for you.

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