
Monday, November 29, 2010

Enough Love

   If you have ever been pregnant yourself, or are close to anyone who has been, you probably know that a pregnant women is full of hormones and emotions! There are things I worried about, thought about, etc. when I was pregnant that seem so silly now! I remember when I was pregnant with our first baby, Peyton, there were times when I’d think that once that baby was born, Randy wouldn’t love me as much! It turned out that when Peyton arrived, not only did we each fill with love for that little baby boy, we also filled with more love for one another! Then I became pregnant with our second baby…all the more worries…

 I would tuck Peyton into bed then, after he fell asleep, I’d pray for him and then I’d lay there and watch him sleep. He was so peaceful and I’d think of how fast he was growing and how much I loved him and I’m sure every mother does this or has done this, I still do. On this particular night though (when I was very pregnant with Jayden) I remember thinking “Oh no…how can I love another baby as much as I love him? I love this little boy to the ends of the earth, how will I ever find more love to give to another baby? …..oh no…” and the tears came. I was so upset! I pulled myself together, went downstairs, and ran this thought by Randy… he thought I was crazy!! Well I did not appreciate this because I was truly concerned! Then she came along…

    A sweet baby girl, so tiny and new! I thought “How could I have ever questioned my love for her?! I was crazy!”. Our hearts filled with more love than ever before. I loved her so much, I loved Randy so much more, and I loved Peyton even more as well! Our family was growing and so was our love.

    The Lord has been leading me to learn about love. In Sunday school this week we talked about relationships and love. A lady in our group had actually said “when I was pregnant with my second baby I worried I wouldn’t be able to love it enough…” I could not believe it! I was not the only one! Her story was exactly the same as mine! Since she had said that I’ve been thinking about it and how important it is with what I’m learning about love.

    It is by God that we grow in love. He gives us the ability to love and find love for anyone who is part of our life. Love is the most important thing we can have because without love, all other gifts are useless (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).

    God is love and he commands us to love one another (John 13:34). I’m sure you can think of someone in your life who you struggle with loving. In our human minds we think some people are just impossible to love. They’ve hurt us too much, too many times. Our human minds can not grasp the concept of “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” As humans we are incapable of perfect love, our love is empty and will fall short. The good news is when we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells in us, and we can call on God to help us love others.

    We need to find the full depth of Gods love and love others through it. God sent His only Son to die to save us from our sins. Think about how important that is. I think we hear that so much that we don’t take the time to really think upon it and realize what it truly means. God sent His only Son to die to save you from your sins - God loves you! If God has sacrificed so much for us, who are we to not walk in love? Think about that person who you have a hard time loving, God sent His son to die for his/her sins as well as yours, so who are you to judge them and not love them?

    God knows we are human, He knows we are not perfect, all He wants is for us to call upon Him for help. If you’re lacking love in your life, if you find it hard to love others, call upon Him. Open your heart to him in prayer and ask Him to show you what love really is and how to love others. Our God is faithful and he will guide your steps as you learn to walk in love. There is so much to learn about love, love is not this thing we think it is, love is far beyond us, love is only something we can do and know through God. If you’re unsure where to start, start by reading 1 Corinthians 13. It tell us what love is and what love is not. Here’s a simple prayer you can pray to get you started “Lord Heavenly Father I humble myself before you and ask you to show me how to love. Show me what I’ve been doing wrong and lead me to walk in Your love. Thank you for the love you’ve given me. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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