
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Broken Daisy

   Randy has been working on remodeling our bedroom with the help of Peyton!  Peyton loves to help his Daddy work, he even has his own tool belt.  A few days ago they worked all day together.  The whole day they were going back and forth from inside to outside.  Later in the day, I went to check in and see how things were coming along.  Peyton was telling me, with all the details, everything they had done and how they had done it and what they still had planned to do.  Mid-thought he stopped and the expression on his face changed from serious (as he was giving me his detailed descriptions) to complete joy!  He got the biggest smile on his face, his eyes lit up...
"Mommy!  Here I picked this for you!",  as he pulled from his pocket a daisy that had obviously been in there for quite some time!
  How sweet he is!  I loved it and the fact it had been tucked away in his pocket all day made it even more special.  I believe any mother would agree, some of the prettiest flowers we receive are the weeds our children pick for us!
  A child's innocent and pure heart is one of life's great blessings and this little, broken, flower was a reminder of that.

   God wants us to give Him our broken "flowers" we keep tucked away in our pockets.  What in your life do you feel is broken, torn, bruised, beyond repair?  Often times we think there is no way to fix it and we hide it in a pocket of shame, guilt, anger, blame, and fear.  I know I have been guilty of this.  Everyone's broken "flowers" are different, some are abuse, unforgiveness, divorce, low self-esteem, sin and the list goes on.  Many of us have a broken boquet of flowers, having so many issues and problems along the way we think there is absolutely no way to fix them all.  I have been there myself and God showed me a verse awhile back that has been my "life verse", it had given me such hope, full of the promise of God.

"O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted, behold, I will set your stones in fair colors [in antimony to enhance their brilliance] and lay your foundations with sapphires."  Isaiah 54:11

Stones of fair colors and sapphires are gems.  The dictionary definition for gem is this: precious stone; something prized for its beauty or excellence.  Now knowing this, read the verse again.

  This is a promise from our Father in heaven!  Let it sink into your heart!  We are His children and in His eyes, our broken flowers are beautiful.  We can (and need to) proudly pull our broken flowers out of our pockets and give them to our Father.  He is the Mender of broken hearts.  He will take our broken, torn, bruised, uncomforted hearts and make them beautiful again!

"He heals the broken hearted and bandages their wounds."  Psalm 147:3

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